Gastrointestinal Society | A Resource for Celiac Disease
The Gastrointestinal Society also known as and its partner charity, Canadian Society of Intestinal Research (CSIR), are committed to improving the lives of people with gastrointestinal and liver conditions, supporting research, advocating for appropriate patient access to healthcare, and promoting gastrointestinal and liver health.
Gastrointestinal Society | Canadian Society of Intestinal Research • Facebook • Twitter • Instagram
About Celiac Disease: Overview, Prevalence, Symptoms, Diagnosing Celiac Disease, Management & Outlook.
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- 5 Gluten-Free Grains You Might Not Have Tried
- 5 Ways to Cope with a GI Disease or Disorder During the Holidays
- 6 Things to Know about Going Gluten-Free
- Bone Disease and IBD
- Celiac Disease
- Celiac Disease & Skin Care Products
- Celiac Disease and Diet
- Celiac Disease and Income Tax
- Celiac Disease and Neuropathy
- Celiac Disease and Pregnancy
- Celiac Disease from a Personal Perspective
- Celiac disease hidden among IBS patients?
- Celiac Disease Risk Might be Linked to Seasons and Geography
- Celiac Disease: Looking Forward
- Celiac Disease: Still Vastly Under-Diagnosed
- Celiac Disease? You might need another Hep B shot!
- Celiac Disease’s Associated Risks
- Cheaters Never Prosper on a Gluten-Free Diet
- Christine Nesbitt: Olympians Live with Celiac Disease Too
- Diagnosing Celiac Disease: is Biopsy Necessary?
- Do gastrointestinal problems affect how you care for your bone health?
- Dying from Diarrhea
- Genetic & Environmental Factors for Celiac & Crohn’s
- Get Keen for Quinoa!
- Glutamine
- Healthy Grains Institute
- Is Your GI Condition Affecting Your Bones?
- Linking Celiac Disease and Osteoporosis
- Mouth Ulcers and Celiac Disease
- The Future of Celiac Disease
- The Science of Pain
- Vitamin D
- What You Need to Know about Immunizations
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How GI & CSIR Help
The GI (Gastrointestinal) Society was formed in 2008 on the foundation of its partner organization, the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research (CSIR), founded in 1976. The staff of the GI Society run CSIR, but both organizations have a separate board of directors. Funds from both organizations support our core programs which focus on providing Canadians with trusted medically sound information to promote digestive and liver health.
Core Programs
The GI Society and its partner charity the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research collaborate to provide a number of core programs and services that focus on providing Canadians with trusted medically sound information on digestive health. This section briefly outlines how we address great need with limited resources.
BadGut® Lectures
These free public forums cover various digestive topics for patients, caregivers, health care professionals, and other interested individuals across the country. We choose well-recognized experts to give each lecture, and a lively question and answer period always follows. You can find a list of upcoming lectures and past lectures on our website.
The Inside Tract® Newsletter
Canada’s quarterly gastrointestinal and liver disease and disorder publication, the Inside Tract® | Du coeur au ventreMC newsletter, contains current information on GI research, medications, alternative therapies, specific diet and nutrition guidelines, new technologies, helpful hints, Health Canada warnings, and explanations of disease processes. Subscription is $20 annually, which covers our postage cost and supports the production and distribution of valuable digestive health articles. Sign up to receive the Inside Tract® Newsletter
Information Pamphlets
We publish a complete series of free patient information pamphlets that explain an array of complex gastrointestinal conditions in lay terms, while answering frequently asked questions. These valued educational resources are shipped for free to individuals and health care facilities throughout Canada. Order Free Information