Symptom Relief by Selena De Vries, RD on ‘A Canadian Celiac Podcast’
• Listen to the Podcast Here!
• Read what Sue was Thinking!
- A Canadian Celiac Podcast explores information, research, lifestyle issues and personal stories of individuals who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The host, Sue Jennett accesses the prominent minds and personalities in the celiac/gluten free community across Canada. Sue counts more than 20 years since both she and her daughter have been diagnosed with celiac disease. During that time, Sue has operated a gluten-free bakery, run a celiac kids camp, and produced and hosted a gluten-free baking show on cable TV in Ontario. Join Sue’s weekly conversations, as she delves into all things celiac and gluten free.
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NEW! Listen to the ‘Gluten-Free Weigh In’ Podcast
- Eating gluten free and trying to lose weight or just managing weight is a challenge. Sue Jennett and her co-hosts are all on different weight loss/management journeys with one thing in common – they are all committed to a gluten-free diet. Each week Sue will be checking in with her co-hosts about their individual journeys. Hopefully their successes and stumbles resonate with you, entertain you, provide you with ideas and and give you strength to continue on your own gluten-free journey to control your weight on a not-so-easy diet. Listen to the Introductory Trailer Here.
Previous Podcasts
- Sue Jennett, in a rare solo episode, looks back on 2020 to examine the topics covered during this pandemic year: important shows, favourite conversations & how episodes rated among listeners. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Dr. Jocelyn Silvester, MD, PhD & Ellen Bayens of The Celiac Scene – Sue recently spoke with Dr. Silvester on Podcast 149, regarding the “Doggie Bag” Study, regarding the actual amounts of gluten that were contained in our seemingly gluten free diet. Dr. Silvester has gone on to look at some of the everyday ways we handle our food to identify, then quantify the risks of contamination from gluten containing ingredients. Ellen Bayens of discusses how some of this information can relate to our day to day lives. Ellen was able to help me put the study findings into perspective. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Listen to the ‘Doggie Bag Podcast’
- Update to ‘Rethinking Cross Contamination’ Continues to Concern (School Study)
- See Study ‘A Quantitative Assessment of Gluten Cross-Contact in the School Environment for Children with Celiac Disease’
- Rethinking Cross Contamination – No Need to Be So Careful? (Pasta, Toaster, Cutting Knife Study)
- See Study ‘Preparation of Gluten-Free Foods Alongside Gluten-Containing Food May Not Always Be as Risky for Celiac Patients as Diet Guides Suggest’
- Canadian Celiac Association’s Position Statement on Cross-Contamination
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the January 2021 Round Up here!
- Baking Experts Cinde Little of Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet & Saima from Breadables share what they know about gluten-free flour blends and how to use them. Cinde Little has developed a guide to different flour combinations for a wide variety of baked goods. Saima has perfected a flour blend for the elusive gluten-free roti or Indian flatbread. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the December 2020 Round Up here!
- Jocelyn Silvester, MD, PhD | Boston Children’s Hospital – Is there gluten in the gluten free diet? The attending Physician, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and Instructor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School determined that the answer is yes. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Dr. Diana Mager, PhD MSc RD – is developing a food guide that addresses the special requirements of growing children and youth who follow a gluten-free diet. Listen to the podcast here!
- Yvonne Baransky, Senior Product Developer, M&M Food Markets is on a mission to provide “real food for real life.” Sue finds out how the company decides on new gluten free offerings – and the taste testing that goes on! Yvonne outlines the three-tiered approach to identifying a product as gluten free. More than thirty products now carry GFCP certification. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the November 2020 Round Up here!
- Steven’s Journey to Diagnosis – Sue speaks to a celiac whose case was featured in a Reader’s Digest article called, “Doctors Thought This Naval Officer’s Swollen Toe Was Gout—Then His Achilles Tendon Tore While He Was Sleeping.” Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Registered Dietitian, Selena De Vries tackles vitamin and mineral supplements. What do supplements offer those on a gluten free diet, what to look for on labels and how much might we need. Selena also speaks to what we can do to ease the pain and digestive symptoms should we be accidentally ‘glutened.’ Listen to the Podcast Here! Learn more about Selena at
- Kerry Bennett of Care Bakery – Kerry Bennett of Care Bakery has a fascinating story of how she found out she needed to eat gluten free, then became a chef, then specialized in developing recipes for gluten free breads and eventually opened a commercial bakery. Her bakery, Care Bakery specializes in providing top quality breads to restaurants and has also begun supplying stores, mostly in Alberta. Kerry very recently moved to Toronto in an effort to increase her market presence. Her success at the very large restaurant show in the early spring, gave her the leads and connections she needed to make the leap east. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Cinde Little, Everyday Gluten-Free Gourmet – on holiday cooking, baking, and helpful tips for planning a family dinner, or being invited to a family dinner. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Mark Johnson – shares information on Part II of the Canadian Celiac Association Conference – Expand Your Horizons II. Sue & Mark go over the conference schedule to highlight both the speakers and the topics. The conference is live on November 15th starting at 12 noon Eastern Time. Registration is limited to 1,000 participants. There is no charge, but if you can, you are asked to make a donation to cover some of the costs. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the October 2020 Round Up here!
- Giovanni Angelucci, founder of Queen Street Bakery – This unique brand is launching across Canada. Low fat, minimal sugar, high fibre, good tasting & moist breads. Ingredients include charcoal, grape skin flour and chicory root. Flavors include black bread and black pizza dough. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Janet Bolton, Incoming President, Canadian Celiac Association – speaks about the new direction of the CCA and what they are focusing on to benefit those with celiac disease or a gluten-related conditions. Janet also shares her family’s celiac story. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the September 2020 Round Up here!
- Dr. Dominica Gidrewicz, Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Member, Professional Advisory Council of the Canadian Celiac Association – speaks with Sue about publications of keen interest to the gluten free community: gluten in lotions, cosmetics and medications. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Melissa Secord, Executive Director of the Canadian Celiac Association – shares plans for the second installment of a national conference to be held virtually in November. Listen to the Podcast Here!
- Public Toilets by Lezlie Lowe – looks at the many issues surrounding our access to public toilets in her book “No Place To Go”. Listen to the podcast here!
- Celiac Lost: A Family Guide to Finding a Gluten-Free Life – Sue speaks with Shelly and Christopher Shiflett, mother and son, who have collaborated on a book about the impact of a celiac diagnosis on a family – a practical resource for anyone newly diagnosed or struggling with the gluten free lifestyle. Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the August 2020 Round Up here!
- T’s Chips Food Truck in Smiths Falls – Owner Robert Firlotte shares his insights into doing business to accommodate both gluten, gluten-free and peanut-free customers. Listen to the podcast here!
- Understanding Alcohol Labelling – Registered Dietitian, Selena De Vries offers a comprehensive guide to reading alcohol labels across categories from beer, wine, coolers to distilled alcohol. Listen to the podcast here!
- Cathy’s Gluten Free – If you find yourself in a gluten-free rut, be inspired by Cathy of, developer of delicious, nutritious recipes, simplified for creating at home. Listen to the podcast here!
- James King presents study of the world-wide on the incidence of celiac disease. His interactive map is available online, so both the public and researchers can check on many of the studies used in their research. Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the July 2020 Round Up here!
- Mia Kennedy – is a guest contributor to, speaks about living with celiac disease as a teen and now a twenty-something university student. She shares the goods on living a young and happy gluten-free life – starting with dating! Listen to the podcast here!
- Zia Rita Bakery – Sue speaks with this respected commercial / home baker about gluten-free bread and the strategies that will guarantee success. You’ll be ready to take the plunge and jump right in. Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the June 2020 Round Up here!
- Ashley Schmidt, RHN – specializes in counselling celiacs who are having a difficult time feeling well on the gluten-free diet. She approaches issues from the perspective of four pillars of wellness – nutrition, sleep, stress-relief and mindset. Listen to the podcast here!
- May 2020 Celiac Awareness Month, time to celebrate and provide support, information and leadership to the celiac & gluten-free community in Canada. Sue speaks with Jaya Mootoo about the wide variety of efforts to meet the needs of the community. Listen to the podcast here!
- Gluten Free KOB Online Baking Classes – Sue chats with Teresa Anderson of Gluten Free KOB from Beaumont, Alberta. Teresa operated a gluten-free bakery and taught in-person baking classes before the COVID clamp down. Making the most of ZOOM technology, Teresa now makes her classes available online. Sue was thrilled to talk to her about this versatile resource – one for anyone wanting to learn to bake gluten free, their friends & family! Listen to the podcast here! • Read the Celiac Scene’s Review of KOB! •
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the May 2020 Round Up here!
- Stretching Your Gluten-Free Food Dollar – Sue speaks with Samantha Maloney about economizing in the grocery store, different strategies for different areas and how to make your dollar stretch further. Listen to the podcast here!
- Coping with Emotions During the COVID Crisis – Sherry Scheideman, a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a celiac makes sense of the stress and anxiety we may be feeling about food, meals, routines and everything else happening with our new “normal.” Sherry shows us how to identify emotions and meet them head on. Sherry works ‘virtually’ with clients anywhere in Canada. Listen to the podcast here! SEE
- The Canadian Celiac Association Conference Goes Virtual – The CCA has taken the progressive step of mounting their annual conference online. Participate from home via desk top computer, ipad or by phone. The CCA has suggests a donation of $20 when registering. Donations gratefully accepted. CCA membership not required. Listen to the podcast here!
- Marvellous Muffins – Cinde of Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet shares her collection of foolproof muffin recipes. So forgiving, you can even get the kids involved! Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the April 2020 Round Up here!
- Food Insecurity – Gluten-Free Style – In light of the current corona virus situation in Canada which has led to many job losses, Jessica Danford has an insightful view of the struggles of those on a gluten-free diet and things we can all do to help. Listen to the podcast here!
- Celiac Disease and Coronavirus – Sue re-iterates the response of the Canadian Celiac Association and passes on helpful tips from President Treena Duncan. Sue also examines her habit of hand washing. Listen to the podcast here!
- Celiac Kids Camp in Eastern Ontario – Carmen Rupp-Eke of the Ottawa Chapter of the CCA, proposed the idea of a celiac kids camp. Camp Davern near Maberly, Ontario was up for the challenge! Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the March 2020 Round Up here!
- Michelle Laforest, the CEO of Coeliac Australia – speaks to Sue about their organization, their members, what resources they provide as well as their current challenges and goals. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the February 2020 Round Up here!
- Cinde Little of Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet shares the mystery & magic of gluten-free flours, starches and binders. Flour blends and tips on making your own are also discussed. Listen to the podcast here.
- Converting a Kitchen to Gluten Free – Sue speaks with Susan Neal on how to convert a fridge, pantry, cupboards and small appliances to gluten free. Must-have items and how to change family habits are also discussed. Listen to the podcast here.
- Celiac Disease & Dental Education and Research with Dr. Melissa Ing – is an educator at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston. Recently, her focus has been on educating dental professionals about the relationship between celiac disease and oral health. Listen to the podcast here!
- A Canadian Celiac Podcast Turns Two – Sue reflects on the top six things she has learned from two years of producing this podcast. Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the January 2020 Round Up Here!
- A Deep Dive into Gluten-Free Christmas Baking – Sue shares kitchen tips to get and stay organized as well as recipes for cakes, cookies, squares and breads. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the December 2019 Round Up here!
- What are Food Bowls & Are They Gluten-Free? – Sue speaks with Cinde, The Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet about what a food bowl is, and how does the trend work with our gluten free diets. Listen to the podcast here.
- Episode 100! – Sue’s first episode was a discussion with Melissa Secord, Executive Director of The Canadian Celiac Association. She thought it was appropriate to devote this special episode to bringing us up to date with the CCA and what we can expect going forward. I also chat with CCA President, Treena Duncan for an exciting announcement regarding the future of the CCA. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the November 2019 Round up here!
- Cruising with Celiac Disease – With the right preparation, gluten-free cruising can be safe, relaxing and exciting. Sue chats with Nick Medeiros, a fellow celiac and travel agent from California who has set up a Facebook page “Cruising with Celiac.” Listen to the podcast here.
- Food Bullying in the Workplace – Sue explores how those of us on a special diet are perceived by our co-workers. She chats with Lisa about her experiences with workplace harassment because she must eat gluten free. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the October 2019 Round up here!
- Being a Celiac of Muslim Faith in Canada – Sue has an enlightening conversation with Mona who is celiac and a Muslim Canadian. Mona shares some of the particular issues with a diagnosis and the gluten-free diet for someone from an Egyptian heritage. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective. Listen to the September 2019 Round up here!
- Kate Scarlata, RDN, MPH, FODMAP & IBS Expert – Sue speaks with Kate about the FODMAP diet – what it is and how it relates to celiac disease, gluten intolerance and IBS. Listen to the podcast here.
- Celiac Summer Camps – Sue interviews campers who attended Selena de Vries, RD Celiac Kids Camp in Kelowna and the Rod McDaniel Celiac Kids Camp outside of Calgary. Listen to the podcast here.
- Celiac Disease and Mental Health – A diagnosis of celiac disease and adapting to the gluten-free diet is hard enough, but Erin’s experiences became more life altering. Podcast host Sue Jennett has a very personal conversation about mental illness and how to cope. Listen to the podcast here.
- Beyond Burger – Selena De Vries, RD unpacks the ingredient list and compares these plant-based burgers with their protein counterparts. Sue tells us about cooking up one of these burgers at home and trying it for the first time. Listen to the podcast here.
- Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet – Cinde Little shares great time-saving recipes and tasty ideas to spruce up gluten-free BBQs. She tells us about new trends in salads, how to grill safely and what to watch for in marinades. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective and in the context of their many years of supporting the new to gluten-free. These chats are fast, fun and informative! Listen to the August 2019 Round Up here.
- Dr. Daniel Leffler – speaks with Sue about the different streams of current research. Dr. Leffler is the Director of Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Medical Director of the Celiac Disease Program at Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Listen to the podcast here.
- Ellen Bayens of speaks with Sue about the suspension of Phase 2 of the Nexvax2® trial. What does this news mean for the research community and the impact it may have on the celiac community. Listen to the podcast here.
- Kristen Neff of ImmusanT – explains the principles of the celiac vaccination in development, reports on the progress made in clinical trials and what is yet to come. Listen to the podcast here.
- Mike Marshall, Chief Operating Officer at Only Oats – gives us a lesson on how Only Oats is using Purity Protocol to produce a celiac-safe product. He shares Only Oats is no longer Avena Foods, what has changed in the company and what has stayed the same. Get the scoop on the new products in the works using the trusted oat source. Listen to the podcast here.
- Dr. Jocelyn Silvester, MD, PhD Attending Physician, Division of Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital speaks with Sue about celiac patients and the challenges in finding and retaining them for research studies. Listen to the podcast here.
- Registered Dietitian Esther Assor – with the Endocrinology Program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto about the prevalence of CD in children with T1D, how it affects those individuals, and how the dual diagnosis makes them the same and different from other celiac patients. Listen to the podcast here.
- Celiac Disease Symptoms Go Beyond the Gut – Dr. Moshin Rashid, MD, Med, FRCP (C), Professor of Paediatrics Gastroenterology & Nutrition at Dalhousie University – gives us a comprehensive overview of many of the non-gut-related symptoms that patients present with prior to a diagnosis of celiac disease. We also have a discussion regarding other conditions associated with celiac disease. Both the symptom and associated conditions lists are long, giving way to the current length of time for diagnosis. Listen to the podcast here.
- Abnormal Dental Symptoms in Celiacs – Sue speaks with Dr. David Stevenson, President of the Ontario Dental Association about dental issues that may be the caused by celiac disease. They touch on the importance of sharing a full medical history with your dentist, even though you may not think it has anything to do with your teeth and how a diagnosis can change the way your dental professional structures your care. Listen to the podcast here.
- Kelowna Celiac Kids Camp – Sue speaks with Selena De Vries, a Registered Dietitian who is establishing BC’s first Celiac Kid’s Camp. Listen to the podcast here.
- Eating Gluten Free in Airports – Have you ever been excited or anxious to fly, but then realized you still had to worry about what you’d be able to eat while waiting to board, or worse still what would happen if the flight was delayed and you’re stuck beyond the security line with nothing to eat? Sue’s guest this week, Lisa, has taken it upon herself to write to Customer Service at the Vancouver Airport to request more gluten free options. We chat about her motivation, how the airport responded to her and a great example of how one airport is stepping up for gluten free food. Listen to the podcast here!
- Ellen’s Favourite Healthy Gluten-Free Foods – a follow-up interview with Ellen Bayens of The Celiac Scene on our favourite foods. Episode 45 looked at many of our favourite foods, but in retrospect, most of the foods mentioned weren’t particularly healthy. Ellen shares her favourite low-carb, high protein recipes for 90 Second Keto Microwave Bread, Keto-Asian Cabbage Stir Fry aka ‘Crack Slaw,’ New York Style Keto Cheesecakw and Low-Carb Microwave Cheesecake. Listen to the podcast here.
- Gluten-Free & Italian – Sue interviews Toronto blogger, Ashley Gismondi, a proud Italian-Canadian. Ashley shares how her gluten-free diet fits with the foods she was brought up on. She chats about cooking with her Nonna as a young child and lets us know about some Italian favourites that can be easily made gluten free. Listen to the podcast here.
- Claiming the Tax Credit for Gluten-Free Food – In Canada, a celiac can make a claim on their taxes for the extra expense of gluten-free food. The subject sounds simple enough, but as we find out, the Canada Revenue Agency has made the process laborious with very little positive effect on your tax return. For a professional perspective, Sue speaks with her daughter, Deanna, who is an accountant and has worked with taxes for years. Listen to the podcast here.
- Gluten-Free East Indian Food – Diyaa has grown up in an East Indian family and talks about how gluten and wheat fit into her family’s diet, including family gatherings and events. You may be surprised about some new food finds. Listen to the podcast here.
- Edith Lalanne – speaks about the Practical Guide to Gluten-Related Disorders, the Gluten-Free Diet for Public and Private Senior’s Residences and Meals-on-Wheels Services. Edith explains how the booklet came about and how best to use it as a resource guide. Listen to the podcast here.
- Selena De Vries, RD – answers Sue’s questions about the new Canada Food Guide. The guide takes a different approach and Selena does a great job breaking that down for us. Listen to the podcast here.
- Why Kathy Smart is So Positive – internationally known lifestyle expert, Kathy Smart talks about her self-improvement program to lose weight and get healthier, based on the gluten-free diet. Listen to the podcast here!
- All-Inclusive (Gluten-Free) Resort Travel – Tarryn walks us through the process she uses to check out resorts and Lisa chats about her recent vacation in Cuba. Listen to the podcast here!
- Amy Horrock, RD – talks gluten-free basics for the newly diagnosed, their friends and family! Recommended listening! Listen to the podcast here!
- Host Sue Jennett speaks to the high price of gluten-free food. Listen to the podcast here!
- Melissa, Owner-Operator of Happyditty Bakery – The bakery recently relocated from Victoria, BC to Kingston, Ontario. Melissa and I speak of our shared experiences in operating a gluten-free bakery, many things you would never consider you might have to be concerned with when starting a business. If it was only all about the baking! Listen to the podcast here!
- Holiday Survival Guide – Sue Jennet and Ellen Bayens of The Celiac Scene discuss the Holiday Survival Guide issued by the Canadian Celiac Association. They chat about their own experiences and the valuable advice offered in this resource. Lisa Jeffery (gf_ketogirl) gets special mention! Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett, Host of ‘A Canadian Celiac Podcast’ – shares the top six things about her celiac disease diagnosis. Listen to the podcast here!
- Jessica Danford, GFreeWifey – has begun a program to donate gluten-free food to public food banks. This may sound simple, but it involves education of both management and volunteers at each food bank as well as mounting campaigns to have safe gluten-free food donated to the food banks willing to handle it. Listen to the podcast here!
- Sue Jennett – Having operated a commercial gluten-free bakery, Sue shares tips that we can apply to our own kitchens. Listen to the podcast here. During the episode, Sue references a video called ‘5 Things Everyone Should Know About Gluten Free.’ Watch the video here!
- Cinde Little Food Blogger – a very interesting chat with Cinde Little of Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet. Cinde is first a foodie, and she brings that love of food and curiosity of new flavours and combinations to the gluten free experience. I made some of her recipes and thoroughly enjoyed them. Listen to the podcast here. • Take in Cinde’s blog here.
- Ellen Bayens of The Celiac Scene – Ellen talks about her favourite things from Bread, Mixes, Restaurants, Pastas and Candy, of course! Listen to the podcast here.
- Everyday Gluten Free Gourmet – Food blogger, Cinde Little shares a host of easy-to-apply tips and techniques for making foolproof gluten-free cookies. Be amazed! Listen to the podcast here. Read Cinde’s Cookie Blog Here •
- Pregnancy and the Gluten-Free Diet – Certified Nutritionist, Aimee Aristotelous, looks at all aspects of nutrition required for pregnancy and relates it to a healthy gluten free diet. She includes meal plans and recipes to suit the different needs of each trimester. Listen to the podcast here.
- Registered Dietitian, Amy Horrock – discusses why celiacs are often vitamin deficient, which vitamins and nutrients in particular may be low and how to address them. Listen to the podcast here.
- Dating Gluten-Free – Sue’s guest this week is Lisa, who is a co-host on her Gluten Free Weigh In Podcast. Lisa is celiac who follows both a gluten-free and ketogenic diet. The episode focuses on an article posted online by The Celiac Scene from Gluten-Free News entitled – Followers of a Gluten-Free Diet Considered High-Maintenance, Selfish and Arrogant. What Gives? Lisa and Sue discuss the premise of the article and how it relates to Lisa’s real life dating experiences. Lisa is funny, genuine and a joy to listen to. Have fun with this one! Listen to the podcast here.
- Dr. J.A. Campbell Research Fund – The Canadian Celiac Association funds research into celiac disease through the Dr. J.A. Campbell Research Fund. Sue speaks with Melissa Secord about the process of awarding grants. James King is currently working on research to look at the many studies that have been done worldwide on the prevalence of celiac disease. His work will amalgamate the data to look at the diagnosis of celiac disease worldwide and what can be learned from the results. Further, James is studying a large group of celiacs in Alberta to identify the impact of diagnosis on the healthcare system both currently and in the future. Listen to the podcast here.
- Schar Gluten Free Foods are now widely available in Canada. This week Sue speaks with both the North American and Canadian representatives for Schar to find out how they are working to get the products into more stores, and bring in more innovative products from their US and European product line. Listen to the podcast here.
- Gluten-Free Communion – Ross Raby of Churchwares Direct and Gluten Free Host addresses some of the confusion regarding the use of wheat in gluten-free hosts for communion in Roman Catholic Churches. Various solutions to resolving the issue of gluten-free communion are also discussed. Listen to the podcast here.
- Gluten-Free Business Travel – Christina Varro is a frequent traveller having navigated eating gluten free in more than 25 countries worldwide. She shares information about the varying requirements one may need to fulfill in order to travel – gluten-free – for business. Listen to the podcast here.
- A Daughter’s Celiac Journey – Sue’s daughter, Deanna was diagnosed with Celiac disease just before her fifth birthday. She is now in her mid-twenties and seemingly well adjusted to the gluten free lifestyle. This interview is an attempt to look at growing up gluten free as a retrospective on how she viewed her life differently because of celiac disease and the gluten free diet. Listen to the podcast here.
- Corinna Meckelborg of Friendly Pantry – is the author of Weeknight Allergy Buster, an innovative cookbook that tackles the dilemma of family meals to accommodate multiple allergies. Her e-book (downloadable) handles a variety of allergies and how to mix and match family meals to suit everyone. Listen to the podcast here.
- Treena Duncan, Incoming President of the Canadian Celiac Association – Treena has some great ideas on how the CCA can look forward with new initiatives to benefit both members and the public. Listen to the podcast here.
- Purest Gluten Free – located in Perth, Ontario mid-way between Ottawa and Kingston, Purest supplies single ingredients flours and baking products along with mixes. All of their products are free of the top allergens. They are currently available in many health food stores and recently have begun to be carried by Walmart. Listen to the podcast here.
- Paul Valder of The Gluten Free Certification Program – This is the organization that certifies food production facilities to be able to use the round gluten free symbol we are all familiar with on our food labels here in Canada. Listen to the podcast here.
- Gluten-Free Consumer Survey with Kim Koeller – Sue interviews Kim Koeller about the results of her survey of gluten-free consumers formulated over the past ten years. As a gluten-free management consultant, Kim knows that the pulse of consumers is a vital indicator of how interested businesses should proceed. Listen to the podcast here.
- What Sue Learned at the 2018 CCA Conference – Sue interviews the manufacturers of the newest products on the market from bread to beer, pasta to chocolate and more. She also visits with some of our familiar brands and what they’ve been up to. All are responding to consumer wants and needs. You’ll be delighted! Listen to the podcast here.
- Manny Sabares of Only Oats – is a Canadian company that produces gluten-free oats safe for celiacs. They use a strict purity protocol that tracks the farmers, the fields, the seeds, the truck transport and only lets the oat grains into the mill once they have been tested to less than 5ppm of gluten (20 ppm is the gluten free standard). Only Oats is “rolling” out a new line of Certified Organic Gluten-Free Oats that includes Rolled Oats, Quick Oat Flakes and Steel Cut Oats. Listen to the podcast here.
- Tips from CCA Conference Attendees – 2018 conference and Vendor Show attendees share their best tips on living with Celiac Disease and the gluten-free diet. Listen to the podcast here.
- Dr. Donald Duerksen – The National Conference of the Canadian Celiac Association was held in Ottawa on June 9th, 2018. A gastroenterologist in practice for adults in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Dr. Donald Duerksen is the Chair of the CCA’s Professional Advisory Council. Listen as he explains to Sue the tools, tests and knowledge that gastroenterologists use to make a diagnosis of celiac disease. Listen to the podcast here.
- Reflections on the Gluten-Free Garage Trade Show – This episode features the voices and opinions of different people who attended the Gluten Free Garage Food Show in Toronto on May 27, 2018. Listen to the podcast here.
- Ronnilyn Pustil and The Gluten Free Garage – The Gluten Free Garage is a pop-up vendor show featuring a wide variety of gluten free foods and beverages. The event is being held at Artscape Wychwood Barns in Toronto on Sunday, May 27th. Sue has been fortunate to see both sides of vendor shows; as a member of the public visiting the booths, and as a vendor selling and sampling her wares. Here she explores what it takes to stage what has become a very popular annual event. Listen to the podcast here.
- Ellen Bayens of The Celiac Scene Talks About Dining Out – Ellen Bayens is an expert at grilling restaurants about their celiac-friendly options. Listen as Ellen goes down her list of questions to ask! She is best known for her resource The Celiac Scene, supporting the gluten-free living in or traveling to Victoria, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Listen to the podcast here.
- Cathy Brak, Gluten-Free Blogger – Sue speaks to Cathy Brak, a gluten free food blogger with a casual attitude towards meal planning and preparation. Whether you need to spice up your meals, or just plan them better, Cathy gives us some great tips and they are all gluten free! Listen to the podcast here.
- Selena De Vries, Celiac Dietitian – Sue speaks to this Registered Dietitian about eating gluten free and being overweight. It’s very common, but we seldom speak about it. We try so hard to make sure we are eating completely gluten free, that having to concern ourselves about counting calories or sugar or fat, just seems too much to ask. Most of us try to replace our gluten-laden foods with gluten-free ones, but what is that actually doing to our diet? Listen to the podcast here.
- Children’s Author Margie Wirth – Sue speaks with author Margie Wirth who, along with her sister wrote, illustrated a series of cookbook/colouring books to help kids eat more vegetables. You can follow Margie on Facebook at The Carrot Monster’s Gluten-Free Recipes. The books are available on Amazon. Listen to the podcast here.
- Cathline James of Wise Bites – Sue speaks with the owner/operator of Wise Bites Gluten-Free Quinoa Treats about the unique challenges of bringing a top-allergen free product to market and why she does it. Learn more at Listen to the podcast here.
- Mark Johnson and the CCA Conference – The CCA National Conference is in Ottawa on June 9th this year. Join Sue’s conversation with Mark Johnson to get the latest information on what’s going on at the conference and how to register. I also announce how the podcast is going to make an appearance. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sue Jennett shares what she learned at the recent Restaurant Show in Toronto about the state of gluten free in the restaurant industry. We’ll also hear from the gluten-free producers who were pitching their products to the restaurant and food service companies in attendance. Listen to the podcast here.
- Shelley Case, RD – a well-known Dietitian and international expert on all aspects of the gluten-free diet, Shelley and Sue discuss labelling laws in Canada and the US to help you determine the safety of packaged foods. They also talk about the safety of gluten-free oats. Listen to the podcast here.
- Donna Washburn and Heather Butt – Sue has known these two cookbook authors for many years. They have a special connection since their very first gluten-free cookbook. Join her conversation with two old friends about their recent and final gluten-free cookbook – 100 Classic Gluten-Free Comfort Food Recipes. We talk about their recipes choices and how they go about testing the recipes. Listen to the podcast here.
- Sherry Scheideman, Celiac Counsellor – Celiac Disease has many sides, and on this Episode, Sue speaks with Sherry Scheideman, Registered Clinical Counsellor and diagnosed celiac about coping with many of the mental and social aspects that go along with a diagnosis. Sherry gives us some great coping strategies. Listen to the podcast here.
- Jerry Bigham of Kinnikinnick – Jerry takes us behind the process into how they come up with new products and what they’re working on next. There is a big shift in the direction of gluten free/allergen free and Jerry tells us how they are working to serve both markets. Listen to the podcast here.
- Melanie Laroque of Whisked Bakery in Toronto – Melanie talks about the recent award they have won, and takes us behind the bakery case as we discuss some of the issues unique to a dedicated gluten free bakery. Listen to the podcast here.
- Christina Varro – is a celiac and an avid traveller. She has travelled and navigated eating gluten free in more than 25 countries worldwide. She is a photographer and a wealth of knowledge about many different aspects of travel. Follow her on Listen to the podcast here.
- Ellen Bayens, The Celiac Scene – Ellen has worked tirelessly to provide quality information on places to eat and buy great gluten free food on Vancouver Island. In addition, her website features carefully researched information on chain restaurants both in Canada and the United States. She presents comprehensive information on places to eat, trends and current news about celiac disease and the gluten free diet. Ellen is someone with her finger on the pulse of the celiac/gluten free community. She can be found online at and from there you can link to her other social media pages. Listen to the podcast here.
- Melissa Secord, Executive Director, Canadian Celiac Association – On my first episode am speaking with Melissa Secord, Executive Director of the Canadian Celiac Association. We talk about the new logo, what’s on the horizon, ongoing benefits for members, and the information on the CCA website. The CCA is also on other media, and we talk about how they are getting their message out to all those concerned with celiac disease and the gluten free diet. Listen to the podcast here.