Watch 30 Day Gluten-Free Challenge

BuzzFeed challenged these four people to cut out gluten for 30 days and document their experiences.
Watch their wildly different experiences by clicking on image below or visit

try gluten free diet

Reasons for accepting the gluten-free challenge:

1. Hoping to feel more energetic
2. Want a healthier eating schedule
3. Want to understand what is going into my body
4. Curious to see whehter there is good, gluten-free cake
5. Want to support girlfriend who is a celiac

As they contemplated giving up favourite pizza, doughnuts, pasta … basically everything … they received tips and encouragement from a nutritionist. Watch as they check in after 7 days, half-way through their diet and at the end to see if they met their goals.

• Have you gone gluten-free?
• How would you compare their experiences with your efforts to be gluten free?
• If not, would you consider going gluten-free after watching this video, or has it totally put you off?
• Do videos like these help or hinder the gluten-free cause?

With acknowledgment to Well & Good