What You Might Not Know About Wild Poppy Bakery & Bistro

Old Town (Wheat) Bakery, 510 1st Avenue, Ladysmith
Testimonial: “We had Madeline’s cousin visiting from Halifax for a couple weeks. When we toured them up to Chemainus/Ladysmith all eight of us (one celiac) enjoyed a delicious meal at Wild Poppy. We had to have take out as the restaurant was full. Wonderful to see.”
As co-owners of the Old Town (Wheat) Bakery at 510 1st Avenue in Ladysmith, Vancouver Island, Kate Cram and husband Geoff could easily be considered local celebrities! As an ‘Associate with the Culinary Institute of America‘ who also undertook to certify as a Red Seal Baker in Canada, Kate is truly baker’s baker!
Two children later, Kate and Geoff’s young sons began to experience persistent health issues that had them resorting to a gluten-free diet in search of relief. The improvement was nothing short of remarkable and a heads up to Kate that gluten may be taking a toll on her own health. The couple found themselves at a professional and personal cross roads with Kate contemplating the end of a career she loved, and their children unable to set foot within the family business.

Wild Poppy Bakery & Bistro 541 1st Avenue, Ladysmith
That’s when Wild Poppy Bakery & Bistro – 100% gluten-free and peanut-free – was born, right across the street from Old Town Bakery!
Kate’s health has never been better and business is booming. Husband Geoff continues to oversee Old Town Bakery while Kate applies her professional training to creating unparalleled gluten-free buns, scones, muffins, cheese cakes, cookies, fruit tarts, granola and so much more. And if that were not enough, gluten-free birthday and wedding cakes, and even gingerbread houses, are the icing on Wild Poppy’s offerings!
Wild Poppy also serves savoury breakfasts and light lunches that include daily soups, baguettes and everything you could ask for in a deli – all from documented to be gluten-free ingredients.
Wild Poppy Bakery & Bistro is a must-visit destination for anyone with any connection at all to gluten free – or love fabulous baking in general! Delicious by any standard, Wild Poppy Bakery and Bistro is just one quick block off the Trans Canada Highway 1 in Ladysmith – turn left at the Buller Street lights.
To see a slide show of Wild Poppy’s sumptuous treats click here!
Hours: Tues-Fri 8-5 Sat 8-4 Closed Sundays & Stat Holidays
Phone: 250-924-8696
Wild Poppy Facebook Page