Celiac Kids Meet Up in Vancouver, BC

celiac summer camp wpThe Vancouver Chapter of the Canadian Celiac Association is pleased to announce that they have a time and a place for their first Kids Meet Up Group!

This will start as a quarterly event for children ages 5 – 12. It is not a support group but rather is a place for positive peer relations for kids and their parents.

The first meeting was held on February 19th from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m at BC Children’s Hospital, 4480 Oak Street, Vancouver in Room KO – 155.  See map.

The evening will involve both the kids and the parents putting together a collection of our favourite gluten-free recipes. If each child could bring 20 copies of a favourite recipe and each adult could bring 20 copies of a favourite recipe we will work on putting together our collections and getting to know each other.

They are proposing to have a meet up group for teens ages 13-18 as well. We would like to assess interest in this. If you could also respond to this email to let us know if your teenager would like to meet up with other teens with celiac disease, we would appreciate hearing from you.

There will be no cost for Chapter members. Non-members are welcome and are asked to contribute $5 for the cost of materials.

This is a free-from food event. Please refrain from bringing snacks or food as we want the group to be inclusive of those with food allergies & sensitivities. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you are able to attend.

Vancouver Chapter Canadian Celiac Association

  • Learn more about the Vancouver Chapter
  • (604) 736-2229
  • (877) 736-2240 toll-free within British Columbia