Jump Start Your Health with Elizabeth Johnson, RHN

Healthy Carrot Muffins – Allergy Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free

with adaptations for egg-free, grain-free or autoimmune protocol (AIP) friendly

nutritiously well elizabeth johnson wpLet Elizabeth Inspire Your Journey to Health

Elizabeth focuses on helping women with chronic illness, autoimmune conditions and digestive disorders.

  • “A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive and live a life you love!”

Feeling sick, sluggish, unhappy and stuck can be undone by the right mindset and lifestyle changes. When you’re sick the mountain to climb to health feels impossible.

  • “I’m here to guide, inspire and help you up that mountain, step by step to your healthiest self.”


Allergy Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free carrot muffins

Healthy Carrot Muffins – Allergy Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free

Since spring is here that means it’s the perfect time for carrot muffins. They’re warm, fluffy and have the perfect amount of sweet and spicy goodness. Muffins make the most convenient snack and are great for a breakfast on the go.

If you’re wondering how to make a healthy gluten free flour mix then try reading this post. It breaks down how to make a healthy gluten free flour mix yourself. Making it yourself will save you money and it’s often healthier!

Carrots contain vitamin C, fibre and vitamin A which means they’re good for your immune system, belly and eye sight. You’ll never know that these muffins are full of them!

Cinnamon is packed with anti-inflammatory antioxidants! Its anti-inflammatory properties are so strong that studies have shown that it can help relieve muscle soreness, PMS pains, and other age-related symptoms of pain. Make sure when you’re buying cinnamon to get Ceylon cinnamon as it has more health benefits.


  • 1¾ cups gluten free all purpose flour
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 1/2 cups peeled and grated carrots* (that’s potentially a lot of carrots—about 3 large or up to 6 small/medium)
  • ⅓ cup melted coconut oil
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • 2 eggs, preferably at room temperature or 2/4 cup bananas mashed
  • 1/2 cup coconut cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease 12 cups in a muffin tin with coconut oil or line with muffin liners.
  • In a medium bowl mix together gluten free flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon.
  • In a medium mixing bowl, combine the oil and maple syrup and beat together with a whisk. Add the eggs and beat well, then add the coconut cream and vanilla and mix well.
  • Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix with a big spoon, then add grated carrots and stir. Divide the batter evenly between the 12 muffin cups.
  • Bake muffins for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  • MAKE IT: Egg free by replacing eggs with 2 flax eggs or 1/4 cup masked banana per egg
  • MAKE IT: Grain free by replacing gluten free all purpose flour with cassava flour
  • MAKE IT: AIP friendly by replacing eggs with 1/4 cup banana per egg and exclude baking powder.

Vancouver Island Naturopathic Clinic & Integrated HealthElizabeth has just assumed a position with Vancouver Island Naturopathic Clinic & Integrated Health and is looking for ward to supporting you in her capacity there as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.

What is Registered Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is a natural approach to dietary health that uses evidence-based techniques to optimize nutrient status and diet. Instead of focusing on just one aspect of the person, or taking a one size fits all methodology, holistic nutrition evaluates the complete health history, emotional state, lifestyle habits and current diet habits of an individual to determine the root cause of his or her health.

What schooling does a Registered Holistic Nutritionist do?

Registered Holistic Nutritionist is a professional trained by the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) to educate individuals and groups about the benefits of nutrition. After a 2 year program through a school of nutrition, students are required to complete 50 practicum hours and pass a board exam, which is the same across Canada.

Why come see a Holistic Nutritionist?

  • You’ll get an Individualized food plan based on YOU – your likes, dislikes, food intolerances, allergies, and or lifestyle.
  •  Stuck in a rut? You’ll get Inspiration, motivation, guidance. It’s like having a personalized food trainer.
  •  Get to the root cause of your sleep problems, low energy, skin issues, hormonal problems.
  •  Improve your digestion! Get your digestion on track and feel better.
  •  Learn strategies to develop a new relationship with food. When you learn how to eat better, your confidence, energy and well being often improves.
  •  A holistic nutritionist can teach you a holistic model of health by providing not only dietary guidance, but lifestyle suggestions too.
  •  No quick-fix fad or crash diets. Diets don’t work and are time-limited. Get healthy over time, weight loss will be a side effect, as well as glowing skin, better sleep and better digestion.

Holistic Nutrition can help support these areas:

  • Weight loss
  • Improving your overall nutrition
  • Chronic Health Disorders
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Chronic Pain
  • Women’s Health
  • Family and Pregnancy Support
  • Living with food allergies or intolerances
  • Celiac Disease management
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Hormonal Issues
  • Aging

 Are Holistic Nutritionists Covered On Benefits Programs?

It depends which company you use,  – more and more companies are starting to cover Holistic Nutritionists. If your benefits plan is under Greenshield or Manulife, may often should be covered; however, it’s typically under “Nutritional Counselling / Social Work / Counselling” and is not the same as being covered with a Registered Dietician or Registered Nutritionist. If your benefits plan is under Sunlife, Great West Life or Pacific Blue Cross, there is a chance it’s covered. Always call your provider to ensure your coverage.

Contact Elizabeth at Vancouver Island Naturopathic Clinic

204-4480 West Saanich Road  Victoria, B.C. V8Z 3E9
250.881.1806 | [email protected] 
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HOURS: Monday & Wednesday: 12 pm – 8 pm Thursday: 9:30 am – 8 pm  Tuesday, Friday & Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm  Sunday: Closed

elizabeth johnson RHN nutritiously well

Elizabeth Johnson, RHN

About Elizabeth

In 2006, when Elizabeth was 15, she developed digestive symptoms after a case of food poisoning while vacationing in Tampa Bay – a hot dog eaten during triple overtime.

For six more years, her health continued to decline, she lost weight and suffered from severe fatigue, anemia, nausea, vomiting, bloating, fainting spells, joint pain and hair loss. At that point, she was finally diagnosed with celiac disease.

In 2014, while her health improved on a gluten-free diet,  her diet of gluten-free processed cookies, pizzas and cakes wasn’t helping her health.

She continued to suffer with many of the same symptoms. After a bad viral infection that lead to viral encephalitis, she was also diagnosed with reactive arthritis. Elizabeth still struggles with ongoing nerve damage and pain on the right side of her body.

Elizabeth decided she had to get serious about restoring her health. She improved her diet, changed her mindset and enrolled in a Holistic Nutrition Diploma program. She discovered first hand how to provide her body with the nourishment it needed and her mind;  positive thoughts. It  transformed her life.

In 2016, Elizabeth graduated with a Diploma in Holistic Nutrition and started helping others!