‘Gluten Free Weigh In’ Podcast – Week 25

cauliflower pizza‘Gluten Free Weigh In’ co-host, Sue Jennett chats with Sara who is working on her exercise strategy to be prepared to run outside as soon as the weather permits.  They also get into a discussion about cauliflower pizza crusts. Listen to Week Twenty Five Here.

Sue shares her recipe as follows:

  • 4 cups riced cauliflower (400 g or 14.1 oz)
  • 1 cup of gluten free flour (see below for my blend*)
  • ½ tsp of xanthan gum or guar gum if the flour blend does not contain gum
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp quick dissolve yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Italian spices – oregano, basil and garlic powder to taste


  • In a large bowl, cook cauliflower in microwave for 2-3 minutes.  While hot, pour into another bowl lined with a clean tea towel.
  • Once the cauliflower begins to cool, squeeze out the water.  I ended up with 1/3 of a cup of water.
  • Add yeast and sugar to the water once it cools to just warm.  Let the yeast sit while you prepare the other ingredients.
  • Place cauliflower in mixer bowl.  Add flour (gum) and salt.  Blend and after yeast blooms, add to dough mixture and beat to incorporate.  Add seasonings.
  • Divide dough onto greased pizza pans – either 3 personal size or one large size.
  • Dip your hand in warm water covering your palm – using mostly your palm, spread the dough out evenly.
  • Let rest for 10 minutes to allow yeast to activate.
  • Bake in 400 degree oven for about 12 minutes.  Pizza shells can now be topped, or kept in the fridge or frozen.
  • Small shells (3) have 251 calories, 5g fibre and 5.6g of protein.

*Sue’s flour blend – 2 cups white rice flour, 2/3 cup tapioca flour/starch, 1/3 cup potato starch.

Pictures on Facebook and Instagram

Listen to all episodes here.

About Gluten Free Weigh In

  • Eating gluten free and trying to lose weight or just managing weight is a challenge. Sue Jennett and her co-hosts are all on different weight loss/management journeys with one thing in common – they are all committed to a gluten-free diet.
  • Each week Sue will be checking in with her co-hosts about their individual journeys. Hopefully their successes and stumbles resonate with you, entertain you, provide you with ideas and and give you strength to continue on your own gluten-free journey to control your weight on a not-so-easy diet.  Listen to the Introductory Trailer here.

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Gluten Free Weigh In

  • Meet the Moderator – Sue Jennett wants to be accountable for her weight loss plan that includes past weight loss surgery and a strong desire to stay healthy as she gets older. Listen to Sue’s journey here.
  • Meet Co-Host Sara who is a working mom. She wants to lose weight and become healthier to keep up with her very active kids using exercise and good food. Listen to Sara’s journey here.
  • Meet Lisa who has chosen the keto diet to help her lose weight and become healthier. Diagnosed with celiac disease 3 years ago, Lisa has already lost 13 pounds, feels great and her health has improved. Listen to Lisa’s journey here.
  • Co-Host Tamie is a busy working Mom who has chosen the Weight Watchers plan to help her lose weight and keep up with her active family. Listen to Tamie’s journey here.

About Suea canadian celiac podcast wp

Diagnosed with celiac disease more than 20 years ago, Sue has operated a gluten-free bakery and hosted a gluten-free TV show. She currently hosts ‘A Canadian Celiac Podcast’ where she explores information, research, lifestyle issues and personal stories of individuals who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Four years ago Sue had weight loss surgery, lost a lot of weight and gained back a little. She works hard every day to keep her weight under control.