Take the Fight Out of Food!


Jodi  Holland RD, Pure Nutrition Consulting

Jodi Holland RD is a meal planning pro and an expert on nutrition for families and individuals.

From prenatal nutrition to picky eaters to sports nutrition or a specific health condition like Celiac Disease, she can provide you with simple strategies and practical tips to achieve health and balance.

[email protected]
(250) 661-1114

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Take the Fight out of Food!

Eating should be an enjoyable experience, but for many people it is often a source of frustration or confusion. If you’re new to a gluten-free diet, trying to determine what the best foods are to buy, prepare and eat can be challenging. Will food still taste good? Will it provide all the nutrients I need? Can I afford this? Is this really gluten-free?

This March, the annual Dietitians of Canada Nutrition Month campaign wants to empower Canadians to take the fight out of food!

Are you struggling with a gluten-free diet?
Try this three step approach to taking the fight out of your food.

Nutrition Month March 2017

  1. Spot the problem. Determine what’s causing your fight with food. Are you a newly diagnosed Celiac? Are you unsure what is safe for you to eat?
  1. Get the facts. Use information from credible sources to decide what needs to be done to solve the problem.
  • The Canadian Celiac Association recommends working with a knowledgeable dietitian when implementing a gluten-free diet.
  • A Registered Dietitian can increase your confidence and knowledge in identifying gluten-free foods, planning and preparing gluten-free meals and snacks to meet your nutrient needs as well as providing tips to avoid cross-contamination.
  1. Seek support. Put your gluten-free lifestyle into action with support from advocacy groups like The Canadian Celiac Association, The Celiac Scene, family, friends and your dietitian.

Learn how to enjoy your new gluten-free diet by bringing pleasure back to your meals. Use all of your senses to create and enjoy satisfying meals and snacks and consider these tips to bring the joy back into your food.

  • Take the time to savour your food. Try putting your fork down between bites.
  • Give yourself permission to include satisfying gluten-free foods that you enjoy.
  • Consider your eating environment. Make it pleasant and pay attention to your food. Eat together and take a break from your phone or computer.
  • Be prepared, not hungry. Get in the habit of packing healthy gluten-free snacks with you.
  • Variety is the spice of life. Experiment with new foods and recipes. Find some gluten-free inspiration at Cookspiration

Do you have a food fight that you struggle with? Try the three-step approach to Take the Fight out of Food and make your commitment official at www.nutritionmonth2017.ca*

  • Adapted from the Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month campaign materials. Find more information about Nutrition Month at: www.nutritionmonth2017.ca.

pure nutrition consulting

Pure Nutrition Consulting is a team of Registered Dietitians serving Greater Victoria and the Cowichan Valley. We are regulated health professionals and strive to help people navigate the ever-changing world of nutrition to optimize their health.

  • Health Assessments
  • Family Nutrition
  • Presentations
  • Digestive Health
  • Celiac Disease
  • Meal Planning
  • Food Intolerances
  • Vegetarian Eating
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Food Allergies
  • Weight Loss
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Corporate Wellness
  • Pre/Post Natal
  • Shopping Assistance


We offer a supportive and personalized approach to support your nutrition goals. Is your gluten-free diet providing you or your child with all the necessary nutrients? A detailed computerized nutrition analysis can offer you that instant insight.

Also by Jodi:

Your Gluten-Free Grocery Cart
When Your Fruit Bites Back – Oral Allergy Syndrome
When Eating Hurts – Could it be Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Receive a Detailed Computerized Nutrition Analysis