Essential Oils – Your Allergy Support Team
Spring Fever is Here!
Spring may not be so welcome for people who are sensitive to airborne allergens. Relief can be found with anti-histamine tablets, EpiPens or steroid inhalers. Life savers to be sure and truly the best that medicine offers. However, the list of side effects with long term and frequent use especially for children is cause for concern.
In recent years much research has been done on the effectiveness of essential oils (EO’s) for the control of hay fever, asthma and eczema due to airborne and food allergies. Many EO’s are anti-inflammatory and can be inhaled safely on a daily basis during the blossom season. The EO’s that are mentioned as beneficial to alleviate allergy symptoms are: Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Eucalyptus and Chamomile.
The Short Story on the Allergy Support Team
- Lavender Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, relaxant.
- Peppermint, Menthol, the main volatile oil in peppermint, loosens up the thick mucus accumulation in the sinuses and the airway, making it easy to cough up phlegm. It effectively clears up the respiratory tract, preventing secondary infections.
- Lemon: the action of lemon oil seems to be indirect by increasing the circulation. Especially when used in conjunction with Lavender and peppermint.
- Eucalyptus: The one heck of a strong smelling oil! Dab the oil on the temples for head aches, or inhale the steam from your diffuser.
- Camomile: A very soothing oil that is mild enough to use for babies mixed with a carrier oil. It relieves itching from allergic reaction as well as mosquito bites.
How to use Essential Oils
- You can put a few drops of all of the above in the carrier oil of your choice and rub these on your temples, inside wrists or the soles of your feet.
- Why not add a drop of eucalyptus to your peppermint tea?
- Don’t have an infuser? Place drops of oil in a bowl with hot water and inhale the steam while you cover head and bowl with a towel. Add onion skins for good (and cheap) measure.
- Why not get an early start on nature and make these practices a part of your routine? Dilute these oils in water and carry a glass or metal spritz bottle in your purse.
Keep in Mind
- Be aware that oils are sensitive to light and heat.
- Be certain that you use food grade essential oils!
- Research different brands. Claims of 100% purity are used willy nilly. Pricing is all over the map.
- I suggest that you do a side by side comparison of one oil that you want to have in your home and let your nose decide.
- A great resource is Dr. Z’s FREE Essential Oils Book
- 1 cup of quality dark chocolate
- ½ tsp maca powder
- 5 drops of mint essential oil
- 5 drops of lavender essential oil
- Rock salt and/ or a pinch of cayenne
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water. Add the essential oils and stir. Pour chocolate in the form of your choice or simply on a non stick surface. I use a teflex sheet from the dehydrator and spread the chocolate evenly by tilting the teflex. Thinner is better! I sprinkle a little Himalayan rock salt on the surface and give it a dusting with cayenne!
Also by Afke:
- Essential Oils – Celiac-Friendly Natural Resource
- The Edible Front Yard – Mow Less, Eat Better, Save Money!
- Looking for Natural Relief from Allergies?
- Confused about Omegas?
- The Skinny on Fat
- Planting Gluten-Free Seeds for Your New Year’s Resolutions
- Almond Milk – Is it Everything It’s Cracked Up to Be?
- Is Kombucha Making a Comeback?
- View Afke’s Recipe Page
Afke Zonderland and Co-Founder/daughter Anna, have turned Okanagan apples and carrots into a made-in-BC success story. They’ve mastered mixing what farmer’s grow in the Interior with carefully sourced spices and sprouted seeds, nuts and fruit. The tincture of time + low temperature results in convenient, portable power-packed crisps in four flavors! Great gluten-free fuel for the health conscious, celiacs and athletes alike! Watch the video!
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Okanagan Rawsome is a proud Sponsor of the Canadian Celiac Association’s Classes for the Newly Diagnosed. Details here!