Why Gluten-Free Consumers Deserve Dedicated Gluten-Free Bakeries
Dedicated gluten-free bakeries in Victoria, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands support celiacs!
Bake My Day outlet store in at 3030 Dogwood Road in Duncan and at retailers and farmer’s markets
Wild Poppy Bakery and Bistro at 541 1st Ave in Ladysmith
Wheat-based bakeries advertising gluten-free that undertake third party laboratory testing to confirm their gluten-free products meet Health Canada* regulations of <20 ppm – and share those results with The Celiac Scene.
Portofino European Bakery available at retailers and restaurants
Wheat-based bakeries advertising gluten-free that do NOT share third party laboratory test results with The Celiac Scene:
*As of August 4, 2012, section B.24.018 of the Food and Drug Regulations states that:
It is prohibited to label, package, sell or advertise a food in a manner likely to create an impression that it is a gluten-free food if the food contains any gluten protein or modified gluten protein, including any gluten protein fraction, referred to in the definition “gluten” in subsection B.01.010.1(1).
Subsection B.01.010.1(1) reads:
(a) any gluten protein from the grain of any of the following cereals or the grain of a hybridized strain created from at least one of the following cereals:
(i) barley,
(ii) oats,
(iii) rye,
(iv) triticale, or
(v) wheat, kamut or spelt; or
(b) any modified gluten protein, including any gluten protein fraction, that is derived from the grain of any of the cereals referred to in subparagraphs (a)(i) to (v) or the grain of a hybridized strain referred to in paragraph (a). (gluten)
Gluten-free-friendly restaurants in Victoria • Blanshard • Cook-Fairfield • Douglas Street • Fernwood • Fort Street • Government Street • Hillside • Inner Harbour • James Bay • Oak Bay • Quadra • Royal Oak – Broadmead • UVic Or NEARBY in • Brentwood Bay • Colwood • Esquimalt • Langford • Metchosin • Sidney • View Royal On VANCOUVER ISLAND • Campbell River • Chemainus • Cobble Hill • Comox • Coombs • Courtenay • Cowichan Bay • Duncan • Ladysmith • Lake Cowichan • Mill Bay • Nanaimo • Nanoose Bay• Parksville• Qualicum Beach• Port Renfrew• Shawnigan Lake• Sooke • Tofino • Ucluelet On the GULF ISLANDS • Cortes Island • Gabriola Island • Hornby Island • Salt Spring Island