Why not just go gluten free? Why do I need to be tested for Celiac Disease?
• Screening for Celiac disease is free in British Columbia
• Blood samples can be collected at your local out patient laboratory
• A diagnosis will tell you how strict your diet needs to be
• In conjunction with a lifelong commitment to the diet, health complications may be reduced
• Your doctor can better monitor your health for other autoimmune disorders
• Celiac disease is an inherited disorder. A diagnosis confirms for your family that they may also be at risk
• Familial screening provides an early diagnosis for those with latent (asymptomatic) Celiac disease
• A diagnosis may offer eligibility for future therapies that require a definitive diagnosis
• You may qualify for a Medical Expense Tax Credit
• If Celiac disease is ruled out, your doctor can proceed to test you for other disease(s)
For more information on Celiac disease and the gluten-free diet, visit ‘About Celiac Disease‘
Learn how to live – and love – your gluten-free life!
A crash course on transitioning to a gluten-free diet is open to anyone wishing to address wheat and gluten allergies or sensitivities, as well as those who have been diagnosed with celiac disease. Led by knowledgeable volunteers from the Canadian Celiac Association in a collaboration with Thrifty Foods and The Celiac Scene, this two hour session covers what to eat and what not to, where to shop, where to dine and exactly how to live gluten free in Victoria, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. The class will orient and assure. You are not alone in making this huge lifestyle adjustment!