GF Keto Girl’s Gluten-Free Bagel Recipe
- 1 1/2 cups almond flour
- 1 TBSP GF baking soda
- 2 eggs
- 2 ounces (1/4 block) cream cheese, cubed
- 2 1/2 cups pre-grated, pizza mozzarella cheese
- poppyseed if desired
- Mix flour and baking soda together, set aside
- Beat eggs in separate bowl, set aside
- In a large microwavable bowl, mix together cream cheese and mozzarella
- Microwave for 1 minute. Stir together.
- Microwave for another minute. Stir.
- Stir in eggs, then flour mixture.
- With wet hands, separate dough into 6 pieces. Roll each piece between hands, then shape into bagels.
- Place on parchment paper. Sprinkle with poppyseeds if desired.
- Bake at 400˚ for 15-20 minutes or until lightly browned.
Cool on wire rack. Bagels freeze well, separated by parchment paper, in ziplock bag.
What is a ketogenic diet? Learn more at

Lisa, GF_ketogirl
- Lisa was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2015. Like many of us, in the beginning stages of having to drastically change her diet, she struggled to learn the do’s and do not’s of this “food is my medicine” regime.
- While she was initially happy to be healthier and not sick everyday, the gluten-free lifestyle caused her significant weight gain. The weight gain eventually lead to depression and well anyone familiar with this battle knows the rest of the story.
- Lisa says, “Contrary to what mainstream media sells us on the gluten-free diet for weight loss purposes, this is only true if you stay away from processed alternatives that, unbeknownst to most, are full of sugar to compensate for flavour.”
- Gluten-free food substitutes never satiated Lisa. She was always hungry an hour later. She had heard of the ‘Keto Diet’ a couple of years ago but transitioning to the gluten-free diet was hard enough and she didn’t feel she was ready to try and complicate her life anymore than she felt it already was but … she wishes she had done her research back then as it’s really not far off the gluten-free diet.
- Since starting Keto, she has had her ‘fail’ moments but she finally got serious and now she’s down 16lbs and feeling terrific! Her overall health has improved and she no longer requires monthly IVIG treatments for life.
- Lisa’s goal is to collaborate, educate and inspire others towards a “Gluten Free Keto Lifestyle” and support those looking to improve their overall health and get a more enjoyable life back. Lisa says, “Sharing is caring!”
- Follow her on Facebook and Instagram for GF Keto recipes, new product finds, helpful tips & tricks and educational information.
Along with Sue Jennett, Lisa co-hosts a bi-weekly podcast called The Gluten Free Weigh In. It is free for anyone to listen to in hopes to help others interested in this diet towards better health. Follow the links below to my episodes!
- Introducing Lisa on Gluten-Free Weigh In
- Quick Lesson on the Keto Diet
- Camping While on the Keto Diet
- How Kefir Figures into the Keto Diet
- Strategies for Stressful Situations
- What is Bullet-Proof Coffee?
- Bacon & the Keto Diet
- Supplements & Snacks on the Keto Diet
- Lisa Tries Hot Yoga
- Macros & Nutritional Yeast on the Keto Diet
- Keto-Friendly Resort Travel
- Keto-Friendly Konjac Noodles
- Intermittent Fasting on a Keto Diet
About Gluten Free Weigh In • Follow Sue Jennett on ‘A Canadian Celiac Podcast.‘