Celiac Scene December Round Up on ‘A Canadian Celiac Podcast’
Fast, fun and informative! Sue Jennett and Ellen Bayens discuss the latest gluten-free news from a celiac perspective and in the context of their many years of supporting those who are starting the gluten-free diet.
If you’ve never tried a podcast before, they are a great way to listen and learn while you are busy doing something else – cooking, hiking, driving or just relaxing. You choose!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene December Round Up!
Click here to read what Sue was thinking!
Curious to read the articles mentioned? Click on the links below:
- An article Ellen wrote for the CCA with a straight shooting approach to the holidays and owning the diet.
Care Bakery Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Bread
11 Things People With Celiac Disease Do That Seem ‘High Maintenance,’ but Actually Aren’t
- A Facebook share that triggered a huge response and 100 ‘shares’ and counting.
Study Suggests Gluten-Free Diet Does Not Help Autistic Children
- Parents of autistic children try gluten-free diets in the hope that might help.
Atopic Dermatitis and Celiac Disease – Are They Connected?
- Study reveals a significant association between atopic dermatitis and celiac disease.
Pleasantly Surprised at Chick-Fil-A!
Sue mentioned her plans for next week’s podcast – A Focus on the Holiday Recipes – from her television baking show, www.suesglutenfreebaking.com.
Sue counts more than 20 years since both she and her daughter were diagnosed with celiac disease. During that time, she has operated a gluten-free bakery, run a celiac kids camp, and produced and hosted a gluten free baking show on cable TV in Ontario. Join Sue’s weekly conversations, as she delves into all things celiac and gluten free.
- A Canadian Celiac Podcast
- A Canadian Celiac Blog Podcast Blog
- Sue’s Baking Website
- Sue’s Gluten Free Baking on You Tube
- [email protected] or [email protected]
- Sue’s other Podcast – Gluten Free Weigh In
Ellen Bayens is the founder of The Celiac Scene, the go-to gluten-free resource for Victoria, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Past Vice-President of the Victoria Chapter of the CCA and ‘British Columbia’s Gluten-Free Ambassador,’ she has been featured in Gluten Free Living, Allergic Living and Delight Gluten Free magazines. Ellen is a frequent commentator on TV, radio and print – and now A Canadian Celiac Podcast – as she shares her enthusiasm for gluten-free living with restaurants, retailers and industry stakeholders keen to Get Gluten Free Right!
- The Celiac Scene
- Parents of Celiacs & Celiac Parents Support
- Receive the Celiac Scene’s E-News in your mailbox
- [email protected]
Previous Podcasts
• Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s November Round Up!
• Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s October Round Up!
• Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s September Round Up!
• Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s August Round Up!