BF: The Carrot Monster Takes on Food Bullies

The Carrot Monster

BF the Westie Poodle inspired The Carrot Monster!

After reading an article about bullying and food allergies, author Margie Wirth decided to write a children’s book about a gluten-free dog’s love of carrots as a way to start a dialogue about food allergies, intolerances – and bullying. 

Margie’s Westie Poodle mix was the inspiration for the book. “She truly loves vegetables. Carrots are her favorite treat. When we first started giving her carrots, she would roll on them before she ate them. I named her after the former First Lady, Betty Ford, hence, the title of the book, BF: The Carrot Monster.”

The Carrot Monster is a charming story of a dog who grows a garden and loves vegetables. All the drawings are drawn and colored by hand by Margie’s sister, an elementary school art teacher.

BF The Carrot Monster

 Margie herself is a celiac who stays away from processed food high in calories and low in nutrition. She found that, “gluten-free food is even worse than regular processed food as far as sugar and empty calories. I try to eat a whole foods diet that is naturally gluten-free. Buckwheat flour is my favorite  flour.”

Margie believes that if children start eating healthy at a young age, they will develop a taste for healthy food for a lifetime. “With the rise of obesity and diabetes in young people, developing healthy eating habits is very important.”

The Carrot Monster soon gained popularity beyond the celiac community for its healthy eating / vegetable theme and for the discussion it prompted among children about an unacknowledged but troubling phenomenon, food bullying.

  • “What a great read! There are many great aspects about this book. For starters I love the way you end with questions. This is a great tool while reading aloud to children because it can be used to push them to answer high order thinking questions. I also love the idea of the dog as your character. The vegetables growing on the roof is a great connection for NYC children.” NYC public school teacher
  • “I loved reading this book to my Kindergarten students! It is well written with beautiful illustrations. Perfect for a unit on nutrition. My students love the Carrot Monster!” Milwaukee, WI public school teacher
  • “I love the Carrot Monster book. I read it yesterday and today the kids couldn’t stop asking me to read it again!!! I especially like the questions you asked to the students!” Washington, DC public school teacher.

One gluten-free idea soon lead to another. Margie has gone on to publish three more gluten-free recipe books! Great for children, teens and adults alike who enjoy the meditative benefits of colouring!
The Carrot Monster Series

The Carrot Monster’s Gluten-Free Savories and Sweets

Healthy, gluten-free recipes featuring savory bites and sweet desserts. The desserts are low in sugar, and mostly use fruit as the sweetener. Order through Amazon. Also available on Kindle

The Carrot Monster’s Other Cookbook: Gluten-Free and Vegan Recipes
Healthy gluten-free and vegan recipes along with pictures to color of a charming dog who grows a garden and loves vegetables.  Order through Amazon. Also available on Kindle.

The Carrot Monster’s Cookbook: Gluten-Free and Vegetarian Recipes

Healthy recipes, a coloring book and a storybook. A perfect book for kids aged 6-12 just learning to cook and/or have advanced coloring skills. Teens and adults alike will enjoy the recipes and the coloring. Order through Amazon. Also available on Kindle.

Visit the Carrot Monster’s Facebook Page for recipes and inspiration! 

The Carrot Monster's Cookbook.

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