May News Round Up on ‘A Canadian Celiac Podcast’

Celiac Scene Round Up Canadian Celiac Podcast

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Listen to the Celiac Scene May Round Up!
Click here to read what Sue was thinking!

It’s the beginning of the month, and that means we talk about the topics, studies and interesting articles regarding celiac disease and the gluten-free diet featured on Sign up for Ellen’s monthly newsletter.

We talk about an article that tries to define the differences between food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities – it’s a big and somewhat confusing job. Easiest to note that Celiac is none of the above, but many of us have an allergy, intolerance or sensitivity in addition to celiac.

Have you ever wondered what xanthan gum is exactly?  I had not, until Ellen raised the topic. You might be surprised at what you learn.  Recently, Health Canada re-vamped their sign up for food and other recalls. Ellen gives us a summary of the changes and how the new process is so much easier.

Ellen highlights the Tuesday questions answered by Selena DeVries RD on Instagram. Her website is Healthbean Nutrition and you can find her Instagram @celiac_dietitian.

We talk about what makes the Honeycomb app unique.  This is of special interest to those who have additional food allergies, or those who want to know exactly what to order at a particular restaurant to be safe.

Here are the links to the topics Ellen and Sue spoke about.


How to Sign up for Health Canada Food Recalls
Food Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities Explained
Xanthan Gum – Widely Used Food Additive Found to Affect the Human Gut Microbiota
Honeycomb Restaurant App – 29 Sensitivities x 9 Diets!


• Tuesdays Instagram Questions & Answers
• Selena’s Symptom Relief Facebook Group

Sue Jennett

Sue Jennett

Sue counts more than 20 years since both she and her daughter were diagnosed with celiac disease. During that time, she has operated a gluten-free bakery, run a celiac kids camp, and produced and hosted a gluten free baking show on cable TV in Ontario. Join Sue’s weekly conversations, as she delves into all things celiac and gluten free.

Ellen Bayens The Celiac Scene

Ellen Bayens

Ellen Bayens is the founder of The Celiac Scene, the go-to gluten-free resource for Victoria, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Past Vice-President of the Victoria Chapter of the CCA and ‘British Columbia’s Gluten-Free Ambassador,’ she has been featured in Gluten Free Living, Allergic Living and Delight Gluten Free magazines. Ellen is a frequent commentator on TV, radio and print – and now A Canadian Celiac Podcast – as she shares her enthusiasm for gluten-free living with restaurants, retailers and industry stakeholders keen to Get Gluten Free Right!

Listen to Previous Round Ups

Click here to listen to the March News Round Up!
Click here to listen to the March News Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene February Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene January Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene DecemberRound Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene November Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene October Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene September Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene August Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene July Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene June Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene May Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene April Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene March Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene February Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene January Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene December Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene November Round Up!
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Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene August Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene July Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s June Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s May Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s April Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s March Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s February Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s January Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s December Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s November Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s October Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s September Round Up!
Click here to listen to the Celiac Scene’s August Round Up!